From Wrinkles to Wellness - The Power of Aging Reversal

wrinkles wellness

As we age, our skin naturally develops fine lines and wrinkles. They form in the outer layer of the skin called the epidermis and also in the deeper dermis.

Wrinkles are inevitable in aging, but there are many ways to slow down their appearance. Using natural moisturizers, eating vitamin C superfoods, and avoiding sun exposure are just some of the many things you can do to reduce wrinkles.

Eat Carotenoids

Unlike most other vitamins and minerals, carotenoids cannot be synthesized and must be ingested via diet. They are a group of orange and yellow pigments found in fruits and vegetables, as well as in some animals and bacteria. Over 600 different carotenoids exist, and they are commonly known for their role as antioxidants that protect against aging and chronic diseases.

The three hydrocarbon carotenes — a-carotene, b-carotene, and lycopene — and the oxygenated xanthophylls (lutein and zeaxanthin) are most common in the human diet. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of these compounds, but some meat, dairy products, and eggs also provide them.

Registered dietitian Devon Peart suggests preparing carotenoid-rich foods by cutting them into small pieces or shredding them to increase surface area and aid absorption. She also advises cooking them in heart-healthy oils to help the body absorb them more efficiently.

Drink Water

Wrinkles, creases, and lines in the skin are a natural part of aging. They result from intrinsic factors, like genetics and repeated muscle movements, and irrelevant ones, such as sun damage and smoking.

Increasing your water intake may help in aging reversal and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. However, be careful not to overdo it, as excessive drinking can lead to dehydration.

Another way to keep your skin looking more youthful is to avoid too much sun exposure, eat a healthful diet, and quit smoking. It is also a good idea to moisturize and wash your skin after heavy sweating. A recent study found that middle-aged women with better genes and who followed healthy lifestyle habits showed a lower biological age than their peers.

Sleep Well

Getting enough sleep is a crucial component of good health and is just as important as eating well and exercising regularly. A lack of sleep can result in weight gain, low energy levels, weakened immunity, and an increased risk of mental health issues.

While you’re sleeping, your body restores hormone balance and repairs itself. It also forms and stores memories and helps to prevent high blood pressure and chronic diseases.

Talk to a therapist if you’re struggling with sleep. Using relaxation techniques and behavioral therapy can help you develop healthier sleep habits. This may include going to bed simultaneously each night and avoiding stimulating activities like television and social media.


While it may seem impossible to turn back the clock and stop or reverse aging, it can slow down your biological age clock – how old you are internally. This can be done by eating well, drinking water, wearing sunscreen, and exercising.

Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have a much lower risk of developing long-term conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. It can also improve self-esteem, mood, sleep quality, and energy levels.

If you haven’t been active, start with a few minutes of activity on most days and gradually increase your workout time. Choosing activities you enjoy is essential, so sticking with your exercise program is more accessible. For example, try a fun sports team or class, dance, or a new exercise like Tai Chi.

Take Vitamin C

A water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are invisible superheroes that fight against the “free radicals” (unstable molecules) that can damage cells and speed up aging.

The nutrient first gained fame for curing scurvy-riddled sailors with juicy citrus fruits, but it’s now recognized to do much more. A recent review of studies on this superstar shows that vitamin C reduces dark spots to stimulate collagen synthesis and reduce skin redness after laser treatment.

Look for serums containing stable, lipid-soluble forms of vitamin C, like tetrahexadecyl ascorbate and methyl silanol ascorbate. Light or heat doesn’t oxidize these forms, and are more easily absorbed into the skin. BeautyRx’s Triple Vitamin C Serum is a luminous, non-sticky formula that never feels tacky or smelly.
